Deprecated API

Deprecated Methods
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only.
          This is a JavaBean method however the method is deprecated because the jWorkSheet application want to use an UJO access only. 

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